Hush Fell

This body of work represents the flourishing, multi-modal exploration of a hyper-curious character named Hush Fell.

Hush explores the imposed boundaries between body and mind, microbiome and host, individual and multitude. Duality is division; Hush struggles to be whole.


Repressed traumas and moral injuries are imagined as eruptions and emergences on the body.

Ephemeral food based sculptures are applied and photographed on location.

Embody Me

A Film Project in Development

Embody Me is a short experimental film featuring my new performance character, Hush, a young woman alienated by an unhealthy body image, and dehumanized by the relentless mind vs. body torture of anorexia. Hush comes across an ad online for a mysterious self-care program, InnerUnity. It promises an ultimate hi-tech cure for all mental disorders by swallowing their state-of-the-art remote-controlled PillCam Capsule. InnerUnity claims one “trip” through the customer, will rebalance their mind / body harmony– from the inside out. As Hush navigates the bizarre, psychedelic intensity of her inner world, hope turns into horror when a malevolent current sucks her into dangerous recesses she’s always been terrified to face… but must.

InnerUnity Instagram ad

Excerpt from InnerUnity AI-assisted remote control journey sessions through the infinite pathways of revelation in Hush’s body.

Below are screenshots from the InnerUnity app video of unclassified microbes discovered in Hush’s body.

(Ephemeral food based sculpture within a fabricated set)

2nd Brain Session 4: Study in Propositional Density

Works in progress

3D Scans of ephemeral sculpture

Forbidden Proposals: Billboards

Ruthless litigation would follow rapid Cease and Desist after production of our proposed public beautification of everyday fast food.

 2nd Brain Session 3: Junk Meals

Transformation of meal materials from McDonalds, Taco Bell and Krispy Kreme into ephemeral sculpture.

2nd Brain Session 2

An improvised wet sculpture, composed entirely of edible substances, was created on the surface of a glass plane, filmed from below. A short film (loop) of the 1-hour composition was supplemented by animation of an edible crystalline recreation and a visual effect addendum, and mixed with appropriated experimental music sources. The work is informed by the catabolic process (digestion) which deconstructs and maximizes the benefits of everything we consume, leaving us new opportunities for tomorrow.

2nd Brain Session 2 Story Board

This original work on paper is a traditional method of conceiving film narratives, here created after the fact.

The story board images present progressive stages of a single sculptural form, each with a power to evoke interpretation. The randomly assigned captions are excerpted script notes from what is considered by traditional cinema culture to be the top ten film works of all time (BFI, 2012). 

The juxtaposition of these captions against the images trigger automatic pattern, memory, and cultural cues, whether or not the viewer is familiar with the references (to further reduce bias, the films are not identified). 

The final image in the storyboard (and the film) is a “stock shot” licensed from a video depository of countless generic shots, commonly used in commercial media to depict moments too difficult to film by the producers.

2nd Brain Session 1

2nd Brain Session 1 (2020) was an improvisational performance to stimulate, sense, and interpret the dialogue between our body's interdependent Enteric Nervous System (gut) and Central Nervous System (head). The thoughts, emotions, and behavior of every human being are a result of this complex conversation.

Each improvised, ephemeral food-based piece was filmed in the making and edited into a short chronicle (excerpts below), and its silhouette was captured and printed to create an icon representing the memory of a coalescence.